Project Management Efforts Improve with EnSight+ | Blog | EnSight+

There’s a lot to love about working for a business in the field service industry. Unlike some jobs that are monotonous, field service work typically brings the type of variety that people enjoy. Additionally, you’re getting the chance to do something that helps people, which workers appreciate. The nature of the field service business also comes with some inherent challenges, especially for those in leadership positions. One of the most significant is ongoing project management involving employees spread across different sites.

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But what those leaders in field service should know is that they no longer have to go it alone. Cloud-based field service management software like the EnSight+ solution can help you navigate those nuances. Here are just a few of the top ways that EnSight+ improves project management for field service companies.

Vendor selection made easier

Bringing on an outside vendor is an effective way to support and expand your existing workforce, but, there’s always that fear of continuity. Whether it’s with your internal employees or external partners, the key to maintaining any workplace relationship is good communication.  EnSight+ helps field service companies set the stage for what a future partnership could look like. Using a demo version of our software, you can set clear expectations for the standards you have in place. This can include everything from safety compliance to digital work order management. If an outside vendor balks at using the software, that could be an indicator that they aren’t the right partner for you.

Related: Vendor Evaluation: Ask These 5 Questions Before the Job Begins
A demo version of your software sets clear expectations for your standards. This can include everything from safety compliance to digital #workorder management. If a vendor balks at the demo, it may indicate they're not the right partner for you. Share on X

Information is never lost

Project management grows more complex with more people and moving parts. Fortunately, the EnSight+ solution unifies project data, including individual task progress. When data is stored in the cloud, there’s no risk of information being lost, important for business continuity. The next time leadership needs to pull up historical documentation, they can simply perform a keyword search instead of rifling through folders of loose-leaf paper.

Related: 3 Field Service Manager Challenges (and How to Beat Them)

Capacity is no longer a concern

We’ve talked a bit about how paper-based project management methods can cause field service leadership headaches, but we haven’t covered scheduling. Proper job coverage is paramount; sending the right employees with relevant skill sets and experience can make the difference to job completion. The EnSight+ scheduling module seamlessly assigns employees to appropriate jobs, while working to reduce fuel waste and total drive time with intelligent routing. Schedule technicians day-by-day, week-by-week, or whatever cadence works for you. The calendar view allows for a real-time GPS overview of your entire remote workforce. You’ll never feel more on top of your projects than you do when you’re using EnSight+.

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Handle work order tracking from start to finish

The success of every field service business ultimately depends on its ability to solve customers’ needs. This is only possible with most important part of project management: the work order process. From the submission of the request through completion, that’s where EnSight+ really shines. Our fully customizable solution allows you to build work order processes tailored to your business. Your workers will benefit from the details included within these work orders and the simplicity of a platform that’s available anytime, anywhere from a mobile device. You can use the platform to communicate with technicians, improve first-time fix rates and keep employees safer and more secure.

The success of #fieldservice business depends on solving customer needs. Enter: the #workorder process. From submission to completion, technicians & back-office teams benefit from detailed digital work orders & an always-online platform. Share on X
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EnSight+ is the premier field service management software for project management

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If your field service company is still using paper-based methods or isn’t happy with your existing software provider, EnSight+ can help. Our solution empowers you to direct your field workers exactly how you want with an eye toward improved project management. If you’re interested in learning more about what we can do for you, contact us today for a free demo.

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Multiple field workers. Multiple tasks. Multiple vehicles. One simple piece of software

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